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CrossFi Chain Testnet
Leading Validators Thrive on CrossFi Testnet: A New Era of Blockchain Success

These narratives are a testament to the hard work and perseverance of our validators, who have navigated a challenging path to contribute to the growth and stability of the CrossFi ecosystem.


The journey of becoming a validator on the CrossFi network is not for the faint-hearted. It demands resilience, technical expertise, and unwavering dedication. As we approach the conclusion of our Testnet phase next month and eagerly prepare for the mainnet launch, we want to share some inspiring success stories. These narratives are a testament to the hard work and perseverance of our validators, who have navigated a challenging path to contribute to the growth and stability of the CrossFi ecosystem.

The Journey

The Beginning

The journey begins with the rigorous application process, where potential validators must demonstrate their ability to manage and secure nodes efficiently. The competition is fierce. Validators compete for a place among the top 64 validators based on total MPX staking, node functionality, stability, and dedicated infrastructure. The competition is intense, with validators vying to showcase their superior technical capabilities and community support. This phase is about technical skills, resilience, and community engagement.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

To remain competitive, validators must meet specific KPIs:

  • Node Functionality and Stability: Performing all necessary operations and minimizing block skipping.
  • Dedicated Infrastructure: Using exclusive hardware resources to enhance decentralization.
  • Service Availability: Providing reliable RPC/API services for node interaction.

Key Strategies & Tasks

Creating Comprehensive Instructions for Users: Simplifying complex processes was crucial. Validators developed step-by-step guides to help users set up wallets, connect to the testnet, and interact with the platform. Visual aids like screenshots and regular documentation updates played a significant role in enhancing clarity and user experience.

Maintaining Open Communication with the Community: Engaging with the community through multiple channels, including social media, forums, and newsletters, was essential. Validators highlighted the benefits and incentives of participating in the CrossFi Chain Testnet and directed users to valuable resources like the XFI TestPad and the CrossFi Foundation website.

Engaging with Both Testnet and Mainnet: Validators encouraged users to seamlessly transition between the testnet and mainnet, explore additional features, and contribute to the ecosystem’s growth. This holistic approach ensured users gained a well-rounded experience and understood the broader impact of their participation.

The Challenges

Validators faced numerous challenges during the Testnet period. Technical difficulties, frustrations over perceived unfairness, and the constant pressure to maintain high performance were part of their daily routine. Yet, through these adversities, they found strength in the community, the support from project admins, and their sheer determination to succeed.

Success Stories

CrossFi Guardian: CrossFi Guardian’s journey is a story of resilience. They initially struggled with technical issues and frustration but found unwavering support from the community and project admins. Overcoming these hurdles, they now proudly stand among the top 20 validators, having built a robust Turkish community around CrossFi. Their story is a powerful reminder that perseverance and community support are crucial to success.

ITRocket: ITRocket’s journey is marked by leadership and generosity. With extensive experience on the Testnet, they guided others, sharing knowledge and helping avoid common pitfalls. Their contributions have been instrumental in stabilizing and growing the network, showcasing the impact of collaborative success.

DEX Guru: DEX Guru exemplifies innovation. Beyond their role as validators, they developed multiple products and decentralized applications (dApps), highlighting the potential for validators to drive innovation within the CrossFi ecosystem.


coinsspor: “The CrossFi project has been extraordinary. I developed a desktop wallet application, collaborated with the community, and gained invaluable knowledge and skills. The project admins’ support was exceptional. I’m honored by the recognition and look forward to being an active validator.”

BlockFarms: “Running a validator on CrossFi’s Testnet has enhanced our network reliability and scalability. We’re excited to continue collaborating and contributing to CrossFi’s growth.”

M0rt: “We shape the network’s strength through our dedication as validators, paving the way to a decentralized future with CrossFi.”

CrossFiGuardian: “Our journey on the Testnet phase was marked by high performance and improving accuracy. We achieved substantial stability, uninterrupted service for 100 days, and enhanced our technical knowledge and collaboration skills. We are prepared and motivated for the mainnet launch.”

Validatrium: “Engaging in the CrossFi Testnet expanded our technical knowledge and improved our validation processes. We focused on network reliability, security enhancements, performance optimization, and community collaboration. The support from project admins and the community was invaluable.”

Ramanode: “Participating in the CrossFi Testnet has been educational and fun. I’ve learned a lot, from setting up RPC and API to creating snapshots within tight deadlines. Wishing CrossFi continued success.”

lelyfinance: “Being part of the Validators wasn’t easy with intense competition. The Validators community was wonderful, assisting each other despite their own challenges. This project has been eye-opening. Thanks to everyone behind CrossFi.”

JembutKucing: “Being a validator for a few months was fiercely competitive. Each task was exciting, offering unique challenges. I gained deep insights into blockchain technology through this experience.”

LODOO: “The journey has been filled with learning and growth. From understanding the intricacies of the Cosmos network to implementing advanced validation processes, every step has been a rewarding challenge. The seamless collaboration with other validators has been enriching, allowing us to collectively share knowledge and solve problems. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunities provided by CrossFi and look forward to contributing further as we move towards the mainnet launch.”

Rickson: “Over the years following project blockchain, I was thrilled to participate in CrossFi. Being a validator was challenging, but with the help of friends and the team, it became a rewarding experience. Let’s all bring the project to success! Thanks, CrossFi, this is the best project ever.”

DonMortelli | diamondhand: “As the DiamondHand team running a validator on the cutting-edge CrossFi testnet, we have been thrilled to push the boundaries of our knowledge and contribute to this groundbreaking project. The journey has been immensely rewarding, allowing us to play a vital role in driving decentralization forward.

One of the most fulfilling aspects has been the opportunity to assist numerous users in overcoming their challenges. We have taken great pride in extending a helping hand, ensuring a smooth experience for all participants in this innovative ecosystem.

Throughout this process, we have been consistently impressed by the unwavering support and engaging activities provided by the CrossFi team. Their willingness to listen to community concerns and ideas and then take decisive action has been truly commendable.

As we reflect on our experiences thus far, the DiamondHand team is filled with a profound sense of gratitude for being part of this transformative journey. We eagerly anticipate the future, excited to grow alongside the CrossFi community and contribute to the realization of its ambitious vision.”

APPIE | AKNodes: “Being part of the CrossFi testnet validator has not only provided us with valuable technical insights but also positioned AKNodes as a committed player in the blockchain ecosystem. 

We look forward to continuing our journey with CrossFi and contributing to its growth and success.”


Becoming a top validator on CrossFi is challenging but immensely rewarding. The stories of CrossFi Guardian, ITRocket, DEX Guru, and others highlight the importance of resilience, community support, and innovation. As we transition from the Testnet phase to the mainnet, we celebrate the achievements of our validators and look forward to the future they will help shape. These success stories are not just tales of individual triumphs but are chapters in the larger narrative of CrossFi's journey toward a decentralized future.


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